Package-level declarations
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data class AddCredentials @JvmOverloads constructor(val authorizationCode: String, val market: String, val scope: List<Scope> = emptyList(), val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), val sessionId: String = "", val inputProvider: String = "", val inputUsername: String = "") : RequestType
This class contains all the request parameters for the account aggregation with continuous access.
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data class AuthenticateCredentials(val authorizationCode: String, val credentialsId: String, val market: String) : RequestType
This class contains all the request parameters for the authenticate account aggregation with continuous access.
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data class AuthorizeForOneTimeAccess @JvmOverloads constructor(val market: String, val scope: List<Scope>, val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), val sessionId: String = "", val inputProvider: String = "", val inputUsername: String = "") : RequestType
This class contains all the request parameters for the snapshot-aggregation.
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data class ExtendConsent(val authorizationCode: String, val credentialsId: String, val market: String) : RequestType
This class contains all the request parameters for the extend consent of account aggregation with continuous access.
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data class RefreshCredentials @JvmOverloads constructor(val authorizationCode: String, val credentialsId: String, val market: String, val authenticate: Boolean = true, val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()) : RequestType
This class contains all the request parameters for the refresh credentials of account aggregation with continuous access.