
data class BusinessConnectAccountsForContinuousAccess @JvmOverloads constructor(val authorizationCode: String, val market: String, val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), val refreshableItems: List<RefreshableItem> = emptyList(), val financialServicesSegments: List<FinancialServicesSegment> = emptyList(), val financialInstitutionId: String = "", val sessionId: String = "", val inputProvider: String = "", val inputUsername: String = "") : RequestType

This class contains all the request parameters for the Business Continuous access: Connect accounts flow.



the created USER_AUTHORIZATION_CODE (see generating a user authorization code.


The market code for which providers should be listed.


Locale to be used for end-user facing text.


List<RefreshableItem> A comma separated list of refreshable items to include.


List<FinancialServicesSegment> A comma separated list of financial services segments.


Identifier of the financial institution to preselect, otherwise the user will be presented with a list of financial institutions.


Initialize Tink Link with a session to securely configure and pre-fill data in Tink Link. Learn more about using Tink Link sessions here.


The unique name of the provider (eg. sbab-bankid). If this is provided, the provider will be chosen for the user. If not, the user can choose the provider in a list. If the given parameter is not a valid provider, the user will see an error screen, so make sure you have the correct provider name from this endpoint.


Pre-fills the username field for supported providers. Providing this makes most sense if the username is a general username, valid for multiple banks (like a SSN).


constructor(authorizationCode: String, market: Market, locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), refreshableItems: List<RefreshableItem> = emptyList(), financialServicesSegments: List<FinancialServicesSegment> = emptyList(), financialInstitutionId: String = "", sessionId: String = "", inputProvider: String = "", inputUsername: String = "")
constructor(authorizationCode: String, market: String, locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), refreshableItems: List<RefreshableItem> = emptyList(), financialServicesSegments: List<FinancialServicesSegment> = emptyList(), financialInstitutionId: String = "", sessionId: String = "", inputProvider: String = "", inputUsername: String = "")


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