data class Overview( val overviewFeatures: OverviewFeatures = OverviewFeatures.ALL, val toolbarVisible: Boolean = false, val featureSpecificThemes: Map<MoneyManagerFeatureType, Int> = emptyMap(), val insightActionHandler: InsightActionHandler? = null, val fragmentViewCreatedListener: OnFragmentViewCreatedListener? = null) : EntryPoint
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Entrypoint for the Finance Overview screen.
overview Features
The OverviewFeatures to show on the overview screen.
toolbar Visible
A boolean value for showing the toolbar on the overview screen. By default is set to false.
feature Specific Themes
An optional Map where you can set specific themes for Money Manager's individual features. The keys in the map should be the MoneyManagerFeatureType and the values the theme for that specific feature. It's recommended to have your feature specific theme inherit from your app's base theme.
insight Action Handler
The optional InsightActionHandler implementation for custom handling of insight actions
fragment View Created Listener
The listener used for ingesting custom views.
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fun Overview( overviewFeatures: OverviewFeatures = OverviewFeatures.ALL, toolbarVisible: Boolean = false, featureSpecificThemes: Map<MoneyManagerFeatureType, Int> = emptyMap(), insightActionHandler: InsightActionHandler? = null, fragmentViewCreatedListener: OnFragmentViewCreatedListener? = null)
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