
sealed class EntryPoint


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data class Accounts(    val groupingMode: GroupingMode = NoGrouping,     val filteringMode: FilteringMode = FilterAll,     val accountEditConfiguration: AccountEditConfiguration = AccountEditConfiguration( listOf( EditAccountField.NAME, EditAccountField.KIND ) )) : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Accounts screen.

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data class ActionableInsights(val insightActionHandler: InsightActionHandler? = null, val showArchiveButton: Boolean = true) : EntryPoint

Entrypoint for the Actionable Insights screen.

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object Budgets : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Budgets screen.

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data class Overview(    val overviewFeatures: OverviewFeatures = OverviewFeatures.ALL,     val toolbarVisible: Boolean = false,     val featureSpecificThemes: Map<MoneyManagerFeatureType, Int> = emptyMap(),     val insightActionHandler: InsightActionHandler? = null,     val fragmentViewCreatedListener: OnFragmentViewCreatedListener? = null) : EntryPoint

Entrypoint for the Finance Overview screen.

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object RecommendedBudgets : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Dynamic Budgets screen.

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object RecurringExpenses : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Recurring Expenses screen.

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data class Statistics(val chartType: ChartType) : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Statistics screen.

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object Subscription : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Subscription screen.

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data class Transactions(    val title: String,     val accounts: List<String>? = emptyList(),     val categories: List<String>? = emptyList(),     val dateInterval: DateInterval? = null,     val query: String? = null,     val includeUpcoming: Boolean = false,     val sort: SearchQuery.SortEnum? = SearchQuery.SortEnum.DATE,     val order: SearchQuery.OrderEnum? = SearchQuery.OrderEnum.DESC,     val limit: Int? = null) : EntryPoint, Parcelable

Entrypoint for the Transactions screen.


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