Package com.tink.moneymanagerui


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interface OnCustomContainerCreatedListener

Implement this interface to know when fragment view is created Inside onCustomContainerCreated add custom layout inside returned container

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sealed class OverviewFeature : Parcelable

This class represents the features that are displayed as individual sections in the overview screen in the financial overview UI. Each section acts as an entry point that end-users can interact with and navigate towards more detailed feature flows.

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data class OverviewFeatures(val features: List<OverviewFeature>) : Parcelable

A wrapper class containing a list of the OverviewFeature objects that users can pass as input while creating an instance of the FinanceOverviewFragment.

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enum StatisticType : Enum<StatisticType>

Represents the type of statistics data that can be displayed as a chart.

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object TinkMoneyManager