Tink Money Manager
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fun getContainerById(@IdRes containerViewId: Int, listener: OnCustomContainerCreatedListener)
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This method finds the CustomView container against provided ID and passes it in the callback which is used to inflate CustomView (inside returned container)
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fun init( accessToken: String, @StyleRes styleResId: Int, tracker: Tracker? = null, backPressedListener: OnBackPressedListener? = null, editPendingTransaction: Boolean = true, enableTransactionDetail: Boolean = true, enableRecommendedBudget: Boolean = true, enableBudgetCreationSuccessScreen: Boolean = true, enableSafeToSpend: Boolean = true, enableSubscriptions: Boolean, entryPoint: EntryPoint, @IdRes containerId: Int, fragmentManager: FragmentManager)
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Call this method to start Tink Money Manager SDK.
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Checks the current status of the Tink SDK.
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This method calls SDK's internal backStack handler If SDK backStack is empty then removeTinkFragment&clear methods are called
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This method should be called after recreation of Activity/Fragment