Call this method to start Tink Money Manager SDK.
A valid access token for the user. More detailed info on Tink docs
The resource ID of the style used for styling the entrypoint screen.
An optional Tracker implementation.
An optional OnBackPressedListener callback to listen to back presses in the SDK.
A boolean that defines the behaviour of the SDK when the user chooses to re-categorize a pending transaction. True to allow the user to recategorize the pending transaction, false to prevent recategorization. Defaults to true.
A boolean that defines the behaviour of the SDK when the user clicks on a transaction. True to show the transaction details screen, false to show the recategorization screen. Defaults to true.
The EntryPoint screen to show. It contains all the parameters for customizing its appearance.
Resource ID of container which will contain the Tink Fragment
FragmentManager to perform Tink Fragment transaction